Education, Government & Religious A/V


Delivering the Power of Communication

Communication is essential to organizations of every kind – and video has become the preferred medium for audiences of every age.  Lerro video solutions creates opportunities enhanced communication, training and learning.

Broadcast technology is being used by organizations of every kind to rapidly and effectively communicate with their audiences. Hospitals utilize plasma visual display systems for medical training and operating theaters. Government entities and local communities air programs on cable channels. Universities provide distance learning opportunities for students on and off campus. Churches broadcast Sunday services. For all of these applications and more, Lerro provides solutions that meet every requirement for capability, cost effectiveness and ease of use.

Whether you need a few pieces of equipment, or a fully designed broadcast facility, our support, design and engineering professionals are ready to help. Lerro can develop capabilities for content production, live streaming and archiving of programs for on-demand access from multiple platforms.  We understand the need to combine professional broadcast quality technology with user-friendly operation.  Our systems assure ultimate visual and audio clarity while offering turn-key simplicity – so you can concentrate on effective communication, not on system operation.

Trust Lerro to put the power of video communication in your hands.